Aine Wellard's biography

Aine Wellard qualified at Trinity College Dublin as a Counselling Psychologist having first gained primary degrees in Psychology and Sociology.

Having worked in general counselling she developed an interest in pet bereavement counselling.

In 1988 she initiated and developed a Pet Bereavement Counselling Service. and has now specialised in medical counselling within the context of Veterinary Medicine - treating many different problems related to pet ownership.


November 2002: presented a workshop entitled Grieving for Animals.

1991-1995: Presented lectures and seminars to veterinary students in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, U.C.D., covering the area of client management in relation to veterinary practice.

May 1994: presented a one day workshop to Veterinary Nurses entitled Human/Animal Relationships.

April 1992: Took part in TV series on Companion Animals (broadcast on RTE).

October 1990: Presented a paper to the Irish Veterinary Association Congress entitled "The Role of Companion Animals and the needs of their owners".

September 1990: Made a radio programme entitled "Pets: Attachment and Bereavement" (broadcast on RTE).


  1. Wellard A.
    Oligodendrogliomma in an 11 year old dog.
    Unpublished article (2001).
  2. Wellard A.
    Do guide dog owners really exist? A case history.
    Irish Veterinary Journal, vol. 46, pp57-59 (1993).
  3. Wellard A. and Tubridy J.
    A survey of small animal veterinary surgeons in Dublin city and county to investigate the need for a bereavement service for owners of pets.
    Irish Veterinary Journal, Volume 44, no. 7/12, pages 75-79 (1991).